Every year, at the stroke of the midnight preceding 15thAugust, India wakes up to pay a tribute to freedom. The nation celebrates Independence Day. The Tricolour narrates a story of change and centuries of struggle. Together, the bands of saffron, white and green sing an ode to self sacrifice, truth and the nation’s covenant with the earth.
But even on such an August day, there are those who are sentenced to celebrate freedom in the bondage of darkness – the visually impaired citizens. They don’t get to see the colours fluttering against a clear blue sky. What they miss out on is the pride that the sight of the Tricolour invites.
To complete their celebration and make a difference, MP Birla Cement, in association with the Lighthouse for the Blind, Kolkata, designed a unique national flag. One whose colours would not be hidden from those devoid of sight. Those who had never seen the Tricolour with their eyes could feel it with their fingers. The three colours, along with the Ashoka Chakra, were translated in Braille, and cast on a flag made of cement concrete. The significance of the colours and the symbol was embossed next to them. Once made, the flag went to the students of The Lighthouse for the Blind. This Independence Day, the children of the school got a chance to run their fingers across the colours that stand for freedom. The cement flag made their experience of India a shade richer in pride and honour.
Sandip Ranjan Ghose, Executive President, MP Birla Cement:This was a humble effort on our part to celebrate ‘inclusion’ on our nation’s Independence Day by also bringing in differently abled children into its fold. The initiative resonates with our organisation’s core values of – Heart and Strength.
Sujoy Roy, Managing Partner (Creative), Ogilvy Kolkata: The glory of our waving flag is a heritage that belongs to every Indian. We simply wanted to share it with those who are deprived of its vividness. After all, freedom is everyone’s birthright.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/fwvSCFS_bLA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MPBirlaCement/videos/2184302378487519/
Client : MP Birla Cement
Agency : Ogilvy Kolkata