Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has signed an MoU with Yashaswi Academy


Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in line with Prime Minister’s vision to make India skill capital of the world, yesterday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Yashaswi Academy for Skills with an objective to exponentially expand the number of apprentices in India by committing to take necessary steps required to motivate today’s youth as well as employers to participate in the program. The MoU was signed between Mr. Vishwesh Kulkarni, President, Yashaswi Academy for Skills & Shri. Rajesh Agrawal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

Shri. Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, said, “Our aim is to expand the number of apprentices in India by taking necessary steps required to motivate today’s youth as well as employers to participate in the program. We have recognized the apprenticeship program as part of our skill initiative to increase and improve training for Indian youths and help them attain better jobs.”

“India’s youth will be undoubtedly the biggest beneficiaries as it significantly improves the chances of employability and market value as well as their capability to become self-employed. Apprenticeship will now essentially going to be a ‘win-win’ for all stakeholders. If applied and implemented in a strategic manner, apprenticeship has the capability to become the most powerful ammunition to target Prime Minister’s Skill India Mission.”    

In order to make things simpler for the industry as well as the youth, a web-based Apprenticeship Portal was recently launched to bridge the gap between students and industry where all companies would be required to publish their trade-wise requirement of apprentices. Apprentices would also be encouraged to apply online. This will enable the beginning of the online interaction among apprenticeship applicants, companies and the Government. Companies are also encouraged to publish their apprenticeship requirement on this portal instead of submitting tedious returns and will be easier for the Government to extract data directly from the web portal.

Various studies have proven that given the hands-on focus during apprenticeship, the industry directly benefits from enhanced skill workforce. The return on investment is very short and which helps industry build a safe, professional and fully qualified workforce. Government also see major benefits as compared to a large number of skilling schemes which they have in the country, the effectiveness of apprenticeship system is very high.

Commenting on MoU Vishwesh Kulkarni, President, Yashaswi Academy for Skills said, “Our aim is to enhance the employability of youth of India by providing Apprenticeship Training and to meet the skill demand of Indian industry. We have agreed to properly role out apprenticeship program which can help provide suitable jobs to a very large number of youths as it has the potential to serve the purpose of both the government which wants to provide jobs and the industry which wants trained and experienced hands.”

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and Yashaswi Academy for Skills have agreed to make concerted joint efforts towards apprenticeship program and agreed to work together to undertake the following activities:

Yashaswi Academy for Skills shall:

  • Act as Third Party Agency between apprentice and employer as per the guidelines issued by the Government of India under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
  • Facilitate to engage trade apprentices in designated trade and apprentices in Optional Trade.
  • Facilitate employer for setting the curriculum, assessment and certification for apprenticeship training under Optional Trade.
  •     Facilitate engagement of 01 lakh trade apprentices in designated trades  and apprentices in optional trades over 03 years with total stipend  payments  required  to  meet 1 lakh trade apprentices and apprentices in optional trades as per the rate prescribed by the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
  •    Ensure that employers pay stipends at least equal to prescribed under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time for a particular state or more.
  • Expand the scheme to include over 500 employers by March 2018.
  • Comply with provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961 and rules made thereunder. For the purpose of this MoU, the scheme shall be considered as compliant with the Apprentice Act, 1961 and its rules issued there under.
  • Organize a review session once a quarter with MSDE on the progress made as per the signed MoU.
  • Shall provide details of apprentices engaged on the portal site of apprenticeship portal of the Ministry.

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship:

  • Allow Yashaswi Academy for Skills to facilitate for engagement of one lakh trade apprentices and apprentices in optional trades over a period of 3 years across India in accordance with the terms and conditions of this MoU.
  • Work with Yashaswi Academy for Skills continuously to expand the apprentices’ scheme in India in accordance with Apprentices Act, 1961 as amended from time to time.
  • Yashaswi Academy for Skills will be allowed to register as TPA in the Apprenticeship portal of MSDE.

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