Leading experts in the field of energy, Policymakers from the government and leaders from corporate sector from across the globe are set to converge together to discuss the challenges and opportunities and build support towards establishing smart grids in India.
India Smart Grid Week (ISGW) 2016 is the second edition of the Conference cum Exhibition on Smart Grids and Smart Cities organized by India Smart Grid Forum from 15-19 March, 2016 at Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi. The initiative is being supported by Ministry of Power, Government of India and several other government institutions and international agencies.
Leading experts and delegates from national and international organizations will participate in this conference and discussions will center on the energy requirements of the country, capabilities of smart grids, their cost effectiveness and benefits. Eminent speakers at the conference include Dr. Amory B Lovins – Co Founder and Chief Scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute, Mr. Phil Beecher – Chairman of Wi-Sun Alliance, Martin Ford – Author of best seller “Rise of Robots”, Professor Ignatio from MIT, Former FERC Commissioner Suedeen Kelly, Technology Entrepreneur Chris Hickman etc.
Smart Grid it is an evolving set of technologies to transform the electricity grid in to a more intelligent and reliable grid with integrated control centre that can monitor and control electricity flows in real time up to each individual customers and even up to the smart appliances inside a customer’s house, office or factory.
Although India operates one of the largest electricity grids in the world with 290 GW generation capacity, over 250 million people are not connected to the grid and several parts of the country experience frequent power cuts. India’s per capita consumption of electricity which is one-third of world average is expected to increase as the economic development of the country progresses. As the quality of life will witness ascendancy, people’s demands will rise on a parallel note. With an ever-increasing need of energy and challenges such as need to control power theft and transmission losses, India has launched ambitions missions to establish smart grids and smart cities. Making energy supplies efficient is key to power the country’s industries and growth but the power infrastructure in India faces challenges in capacity. While millions of Indians still have no or limited access to electricity, power outages and poor supply quality are other major challenges hampering the country’s economic development.
Smart grid technologies can help electric utilities manage supply and demand effectively in real time and avoid power cuts, ensure power quality that will eliminate the need for voltage stabilizers and inverters and also help customers save money by shifting some of their electricity usage like water pumping, washing machines etc to run during non-peak hours at reduced rates.
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Global Smart Grid Federation (GSGF), India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA), UK Trade & Investment(UKTI),Central Board of Irrigation and Power (CBIP),International Council on Large Electric Sysytems (CIGRE),International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN), International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC),Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) are among the supporting partners of the conference. Some themes to be discussed include Role of Smart Grids in New programs of Government of India; Smart City Mission in India; National Smart Grid Mission (NSGM); 21st Century Electric Grids – Evolving trends towards 100% renewable and Disruptive Innovations; Smart Grid Project Outcomes: Experiences and Lessons learned etc. There is also a Special Plenary Session for Recap of RE-INVEST in association with MNRE; and a Special Workshop on Smart Grids as Anchor Infrastructure for Smart Cities for the Municipal Commissioners from 20 selected Smart Cities.