Pernod Ricard launches first major global corporate campaign ‘Be A Convivialist!’

For several years Pernod Ricard has made “Creators of Conviviality” its vision and signature. Yet today more than ever, conviviality seems to be in decline around the world. These were the findings of a global survey conducted by OpinionWay in 11 countries on 5 continentswith nearly 11,500 respondents.The results will form the basis of the Group’s360°corporate campaign launch. The campaign is a call to arms to encourage each of us to exercise more conviviality in a world that’s becoming less and less like the one revealed in earlier survey results.

  • If 91% of those surveyed believe conviviality to be a source of well-being,
  • 61% of them believe the world is less friendly than 5 years ago.
  • Most pessimistic are the French at 82%, followed by Germans at 73%.
  • More alarming, 67% of Millenials (18-34 years) regret meeting their friends less and less, due to social networks.
  • Today’s champions of conviviality are Mexicans, followed in the Top 5 by Spain, Brazil, China and India. France does not appear in the Top 10.

Documentary film captures convivialists catching up around the world

As the campaign’s centerpiece, Pernod Ricard is proud to unveil the documentary “The Power of Conviviality“, directed by Elephant At Work. Filmed without professional casting,it collates the vibrant testimonies of people of all origins from around the world, evoking the importance of what conviviality means to them; and the shared moments they define as true and authentic,which are a source of honest joy.

The film crew traveled to 12 destinations around the world, recording everything from Millennials meeting in a karaoke bar in Shanghai, friends sharing a night out in Marseille, and guests of a chic dinner in New Orleans, to New Year’s Eve in Berlin, a beach aperitif in Tulum (Mexico), a Brooklyn bar,and a wedding in Goa. Every occasion underlined the universal need these moments fulfil in a hyper-connected world where we no longer take the requisite time to meet in real life.

Pernod Ricard has collected this content on a dedicated platform,, for everyone who would like to become a convivialist, that is, people who excel at being friendly, meeting people and sharing.(This campaign is not available in France.)

Visitors to will also be able to discover:

  • The portraits of each protagonistin the documentary;
  • A manifesto for a more convivial world;
  • The complete results of the OpinionWay study,
  • Editorial content that analyses mankind’s need to be convivial.

Exclusive partnership with Vice

Pernod Ricard has partnered with Vice to promote and disseminate the conviviality campaign. “The Power of Conviviality” documentary will be promoted on several of the platform’s social networks, especially in the United States, the United Kingdom and China. Moreover,with Vice’s help Pernod Ricard is developing a series of reports from around the world by reporter Laurence Cornet and photographer Stéphane Lavoué (Niepce Award 2018), who is a portraitist for the New York Times,  The Times in the UK, Le Figaro and Le Monde. They use their respective talents in the pursuit of conviviality, meeting people who are true ambassadors for sharing and authenticity within their communities.

Filmed over several months, the journeytakes the reader to a small island in Ireland to discover the secrets of a legendary pub, meets a community of surfers lost between the Pacific and the Amazon in Colombia, on to Cuba, where friendliness is a true religion, to a strange kingdom in Italy, and to China among a community of women living on the steps of the Himalayas.

For Alexandre Ricard, Chairman & CEO of Pernod Ricard, “There’s a real yearning for connection and sharing in today’s world. Convivialité is more than just a corporate value for Pernod Ricard, it’s our raison d’être – and it’s proudly embodied every day by our 19,000 employees across the globe. This mindset echoes the lifelong motto of my grandfather Paul Ricard, who launched an invitation to all his employees to “make a new friend every day.

Focus: OpinionWay survey **: is our world convivial?

OpinionWay and Pernod Ricard surveyed 11,487 people in 11 countries (including France, Spain, Italy, Germany, United States, United Kingdom, India, China, South Africa, Brazil and Mexico) to measure conviviality around the world.

Overall, the results are a goldmine of insights:

Conviviality is good for you

  • 91% of respondents viewconviviality as a source of wellbeing
  • 90% consider it asa moment of happiness
  • 79% associate convivialmoments with having a drink or a meal with relatives
  • Chinese respondents stand out, with 66% preferring dinner at a restaurant

– 78% of respondents consider their country to beconvivial…

  • Top fives countries where respondents consider their country to beconvivial:
  1. Mexico (92%)
  2. Spain (87%)
  3. Brazil (86%)
  4. India (84%)
  5. China (83%)
  • Europeans judge the conviviality of their countrymen harsly. Only 62% of French people think their country is friendly, behind the United Kingdom (67%) and Germany (69%)

– ... but a majority of respondents admit that conviviality is declining in their country…

  • Nearly 60% consider their country to be less convivial than five years ago
  • This figure is particulary bad in France, where 76% of respondents reply that conviviality is in decline in their country, compared to 64% in Germany
  • Indians (57%) and Mexicans (52%) are the only nations that consider their countryto be more convivial than five years ago

– … And in the world.

  • A large majority of respondents (61%) think the world is less convivial than five years ago
  • The French are particularly pessimistic with82% sayingthe world is less convivial than before, followed by 73% of Germans.

– Electronic messaging haslargelysurpassed physical contact (phone calls, meeting up) as a means of interacting with friends…

  • 63% of respondents use SMS or messaging platforms to contact relatives,
  • Top three countries foruse of electronic messaging
  1. Brazil (83%)
  2. Mexico (80%)
  3. Spain (79%)
  • France is notable for its continued preference for oral communication, with 76% of respondents saying they prefer the phone.

– … and most people think they will meet fewer new people in real life than five years ago (54%)

  • With the exception of the Chinese (70%) and Mexicans (60%) that think they meet their relatives more often.

Streaming at home or a drink with friends?

77% of respondents worldwide admit to refusingto go out with friends because they wanted to stream a series or film at home.

  • Top 3:
  1. India (91%)
  2. Brazil (88%)
  3. South Africa (85%)
  • France remains steadfastly social, with a majority (51%) saying they have never made this choice.
  • Young people stand out: 87% of Millennials (18-34 years old) from all over the world have clearly made their choice and admit to giving in to the temptation of their screen instead of going out.

– Clearly, conviviality is more at risk among these same Millenials, due to their growing attachment to the digital world.

  • Two-thirds of respondents confess to seeing less and less of their friends in real life.
  • 64% admit to an addiction to technology, which they would like to curb.
  • 60% say that social networks make their friendships more and more superficial.
  • 28% of respondents admit they actually know less than a quarter of their contacts on Facebook, and only 46% say they know a majority of them.
  • China, India and Mexico stand out, with more than two-thirds of respondents saying they have never met more than half their social network friends.

Link for the Video: Click here

Campaign Video: Click here

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