PURE EV, a Hyderabad based leading Electric Vehicle Two-Wheeler (EV2W) Company has recently released their first Impact Report. This report captures the true essence of EV adoption wherein it shows the huge impact electrification had on the economic life of a common man and overall health and wellbeing of the community.
PURE EV is one of the very few EV2W OEM that has the R&D expertise and technology to manufacture batteries. The company is one of the top born-electric EV2W OEMs when it comes to technology and it is evident with their 100+ IP filings. This has enabled the company to regularly innovate and come up with products that meet the latest regulatory standards and also satisfy the requirements of the Indian commuter.
The company launched its first high speed scooter, ePluto 7g in 2020 and ever since then, PURE EV has been launching a new model every year consistently. The recent launch of their electric commute motorcycle, ecoDryft makes PURE EV the only EV2W Company in India that has a wide product catalogue spanning across electric scooters and motorcycles.
Commenting on this report Mr. Rohit Vadera, co-founder and CEO of PURE EV has said “Philosophy of PURE EV is not restricted to sales numbers, we believe that the true impact can only be measured with the maximum usage of the vehicle (kilometres driven) by the customers. Below is a brief snapshot of our 60k+ customers”
- More than 60k KM- 2 Customers
- More than 50k KM- 13 Customers
- More than 30k KM >5% of Customers
- More than 20k KM >25% of Customers
- More than 15k KM >50% of Customers
Further adding that, “80%+ of PURE EV customers clock a daily commute of more than 40 KM. This is a remarkable feat and probably amongst the best not just in EV but across the entire two-wheeler industry. This can be attributed to our effective after sales service network which ensures the highest uptime of our vehicles. This also corroborates the fact that PURE EV produces value for money commute vehicles that are reliable.
For the EV consumer, higher the number of kilometres driven, higher the savings. In total, PURE EV customers were able to save around INR 180 Crores in running costs, which is an average of ~INR 30k per customer. That is a 91% reduction in running costs compared to a traditional petrol vehicle. Few customers of our first premium motorcycle – eTryst 350 that was launched in Aug 2022 have already surpassed 25k KM in a span of few months, this is equal to saving INR 60k on running costs. This instills a lot of confidence in our newest offering, ecoDryft”, he added.
Talking about the report Dr. Nishanth Dongari, Founder, PURE EV, and Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, said. “At PURE, our mission is to accelerate the transition of India towards electric vehicles through product innovation and building a trustworthy consumer brand. The core R&D activities of the company are aligned keeping in mind the expectations of the average Indian consumer who generally prefers a value for money commute vehicle that satisfies their daily requirements without compromising on comfort and reliability. This impact report is a true testament of our commitment to the people and to the planet”.
PURE EV’s recent launch, ecoDryft targets the major segment of the Indian Two-Wheeler market, the commute motorcycles. So, with this push into commute motorcycles, PURE EV can further expedite the adoption of EV across India and the impact it will have on the broader society can be truly phenomenal.
Further elaborating on the Impact Report, Mr Vadera has said, “We are very proud of this achievement. Not only were we able to differentiate ourselves with respect to ICE vehicles, but we also were able to create a niche amongst the EV2W OEM community as well. Our constant innovation and mission mode R&D efforts has led to 20% lesser Lithium consumption per km than other key EV2W manufacturing peers. This is very important as the country wants to shift to 100% EV2W from traditional ICE vehicles by 2030, as Lithium is a finite resource that is also being imported like Oil, and hence, efficient usage of Lithium is the way to move forward keeping in mind sustainability of entire EV ecosystem in the country”.
Renewables mix in the country’s energy basket is bound to go up and this inturn will lay a path towards a sustainable and an emission free India which is no longer a distant dream but a closer reality.