Spinny launches an odd-even filter on the website

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Have an odd-numbered car and looking to buy another one with an even number? If you’re searching for ways to navigate through Delhi’s new traffic restrictions, Spinny, the go-to platform for buying and selling used cars has made your purchase process simpler! It has launched a new odd-even filter on its website to facilitate users in finding a pre-owned car of their choice with a specific registration number.  

Speaking on the launch of this filter, Niraj Singh, Co-Founder & CEO of Spinny said, “Since the announcement of the odd-even formula by the Delhi government, almost 10-15% of the queries that we are receiving are related to odd/even used cars. Most customers already have a car and want to buy another one with the opposite number. While buying a new car, one doesn’t have the guarantee of getting a number plate of one’ own choice. Residents of the capital are, therefore, relying on used cars to make their daily commute simpler.”  

He further added, “We, at Spinny, believe that the rotational policy is the need of the hour for Delhi. The policy has appeared to have a positive effect as people have changed their perspective towards services and concepts such as carpooling that they wouldn’t have previously used.” These alternatives have been detailed in one of their blog posts about the workarounds that commuters can consider during the regulation period.

In a bid to augment the awareness around the government’s initiatives, Spinny has also made a post on its blog regarding similar solutions that have been implemented across cities in the world. The idea is to help the common man understand the impact of these policies and how they help ensure sustainable development and growth for all.

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