Zee Ganga, the upcoming complete Bhojpuri destination for original content is keeping up its promises of amplifying the excitement levels of the Bhojpuri audience. The popular GEC ropes in eminent Bhojpuri Superstar Dinesh Lal Yadav aka Nirahua to drive its grand brand campaign. A multi-media high-impact campaign with a stellar programming line-ups been planned to create a strong viewer portfolio. The channel will focus on bringing interesting and inspiring stories in a language that is most relevant to the audience from 20 Sept 2021.
Helmed by its culturally rooted slogan, ‘Har Pal Aviral’, Zee Ganga aims to bring alive the innate unstoppable Bhojpuri spirit. The brand is built around the consumer truth of the region that Bhojpuriyas never stop in the face of hardships and carve their path to future with courage and tenacity. In that essence, superstar Dinesh Lal Yadav a.k.a.Nirahua resonates and personifies these very belief, principles, and culture of the region. His awe-inspiring journey from a singer to superstardom builds a strong relatable and inspiring connect with the audience. It is Nirahua’s indomitable will and tenacity that makes him one of the most longstanding beloved personalities in the region and the biggest family entertainer. Bringing Nirahua on board is a strategic step in the direction to strike the right chord with the viewers and further the message of togetherness and aspiration.
Samrat Ghosh, Cluster Head, East, Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited (ZEEL) said, “Zee Ganga is epithet of the rising aspiration of the Bhojpuri audiences. The brand & the content philosophy reflects the progressive Bhojpuri dreams and aspirations keeping the culture & rootedness intact. Refreshed and rebranded Zee Ganga is true reflection of these core values. We are excited to partner Nirahua as the brand ambassador of Zee Ganga & this partnership further strengthen the same brand promise. This is in line with our efforts to build a wholesome Bhojpuri family entertainer, a platform that celebrates Bhojpuriyat in the true sense along with resonating the voice of the evolving mind set within the region.”
On roping in Nirahua, Amarpreet Singh Saini, Sr. Vice President, Bhojpuri Cluster said, “In a region like Bihar, Jharkhand and Poorvanchal, where people have learned to thrive irrespective of lack of resources and have limited opportunities, family values hold great significance. It hence becomes imperative that we acknowledge and bring forward these values and tales with which audience can relate to. Hence, Nirahua is an appropriate choice for the brand. He is the perfect example of everything ZEE Ganga represents, i.e., hard work, family values, resilience and above all unstoppable Bhojpuri spirit. And with such an icon introducing our original content and new line up we are more than confident that our viewers will instantly connect to and feel rejuvenated with the change”
Celebrating the Bhojpuriya spirit with full gusto, the fresh slate of content comprises of 14 hours of originals: 10 hours of 4 fictional shows + 4 hours of one non-fiction show; 500+ titles featuring blockbuster and latest Bhojpuri movies; and a line-up of some of the biggest events in the category. With this, Zee Ganga becomes the only channel in the category to launch original fictional shows. The line-up features multi-genre shows which are socially conscious, entertaining, and brings the region’s most popular talent together. The stories resonate with the core values of the target audience of being relentless, tenacious, and a never-give-up attitude.