News18 India brings a new debate show ‘Desh Nahin Jhukne Denge’ with Aman Chopra


Continuing with its commitment to create differentiation and relevance for viewers, News18 India, the country’s leading national Hindi news channel, has announced the launch of a new debate show ‘Desh Nahin Jhukne Denge’ hosted by noted journalist & news anchor Aman Chopra. Starting 11th October, the show will further bolster channel’s power-packed primetime line-up.

With ‘Desh Nahin Jhukne Denge’, News18 India will bring to its viewers discussions on the most pressing issue of the day, along with eminent experts and commentators who will provide comprehensive insights and analysis on the issue through insightful debate. Getting to the core of the issue, the show will highlight vital aspects of it impacting the society and the nation.

Building on its legacy of innovative and engaging programming, News18 India continues to elevate its content offerings keeping viewers at the core of its strategy. With the new show, the channel continues to bring the best of journalism with fearless and uncompromising reportage creating a distinct position for itself in the Hindi General News category.

Desh Nahin Jhukne Denge will air on weeknights at 8 PM only on News18 India

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