NewsX, India’s English news channel of iTV Network, brings to the viewers their special programming titled ‘Who’s Winning 2019? Semi-Final’ on December 7th, the voting day of the assembly elections in Rajasthan across 199 constituencies and Telangana across 119 constituencies. The special programming will be aired throughout the day.
To make the election coverage more exciting and captivating for its viewers, the special coverage on Rajasthan and Telangana elections will highlight the ground reality and the political environment leading to the assembly elections.
Throughout the day, NewsX will bring the latest happenings, interesting insights and high-voltage debates during its comprehensive election coverage. Hosted by senior anchors and reporters, ‘Who’s Winning 2019? Semi-Final’ will witness some top political personalities from the Indian political landscape, debating the burning issues in the upcoming elections that will add a new outlook to the state politics and the choice of the voters. NewsX reporters will also be doing live reporting from ground zero throughout the day to bring the latest updates for its viewers.
Watch ‘Who’s Winning 2019? Semi-Final’ throughout the day exclusively on NewsX on Friday, 7th December 2018.