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Zydus’ Easiest Exam campaign promotes 3-minute self-breast exam to create awareness

With breast cancer becoming the most common cancer among Indian women, early detection is crucial, as it can significantly increase the five-year survival rate to over...

American Oncology Institute Logo

American Oncology Institute launches the industry-first ‘The Breast Cancer Push Away Bra’

American Oncology Institute (AOI), a South Asian leading cancer hospital chain have launched the #ThePinkRibbonCollection, designed by Havas Life Sorento to encourage...

Hungama Artist Aloud joins singer Pratichee Mohapatra for International Breast Cancer Awareness campaign

Hungama Artist Aloud joins singer Pratichee Mohapatra for International Breast Cancer Awareness campaign

The month of October is earmarked as International Breast Cancer Awareness Month each year, to raise awareness on a subject that requires imminent attention. Hungama...