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&PrivéHD premieres ‘El Mariachi’

&PrivéHD’s ‘World Box Office’ to premiere ‘EL Mariachi’ this Friday

He came to town with a guitar in his hand and romance in his heart. He wasn’t looking for trouble, but trouble came looking for him. With ‘EL Mariachi’, experience...

&PrivéHD Premieres ‘Ragnarok'

Top Grossing Norwegian Movie ‘Ragnarok’ to premiere on &PrivéHD

Some creatures aren’t just real, they are unbelievable! Here’s a premiere that promises to enthral, if gigantic and terrifying beasts coming from the legends and...


On International Day for the Abolition Of Slavery, ‘Lincoln’ airs on &PrivéHD

With their firm principles and integrity, the present is formed by the actions of people who have to lead a revolution of change. Witness one man unshackle chains of...


Privé Premiere of Overcomer on &PrivéHD

What does it take to overcome the toughest hurdles that life throws at you and break the constant loop of failure? A young girl called Hannah shows you how as she...

This May, experience childhood memories come alive with live-action film ‘The Jungle Book’ on &PrivéHD

Experience childhood memories with ‘The Jungle Book’ on &PrivéHD

Remember the good old days when we would sit back and religiously tune in to the show of the beloved character in India, ‘Mowgli’ of The Jungle Book series? It’s...

The heart-warming romantic comedy ‘Ode to Joy’ premieres on &PrivéHD

The heart-warming romantic comedy ‘Ode to Joy’ premieres on &PrivéHD

Based on a true story comes an inspiringly beautiful tale of how it hurts to take a pass at life’s simple joys. All it takes is the right woman to make you feel like a...

Venture Into The Mystical World Of ‘Alice In Wonderland’ With ‘The Bookmarked Collection’ On &PrivéHD

Venture Into The Mystical World Of ‘Alice In Wonderland’ On &PrivéHD

 Who knew that chasing an unusual rabbit would lead a teenage girl into the topsy-turvy alternate and magical world of Wonderland! Sounds familiar? This Friday, April...

Witness The Inspiring Story Of Renowned NFL Star As Brian Banks Is All Set To Premiere On &PrivéHD

Brian Banks Is All Set To Premiere On &PrivéHD on Saturday

&PrivéHD is set to premiere, Brian Banks, a movie based on true events occurred in the life of an American high school footballer on Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 1...

This Saturday, feel inspired to live in the present as &PrivéHD premieres ‘The Tomorrow Man’

This Saturday &PrivéHD premieres ‘The Tomorrow Man’

A man obsessed with the future, a woman trapped by the past and a chance to embrace the present! Here’s a story of Ed and Ronnie – two eccentric souls stuck in...

This International Day of Happiness, &flix and &PrivéHD give you reasons to smile with special day-long binges

Find reasons to smile on this International Day of Happiness

A random act of kindness, meeting your furry, four-legged friend or your relishing favorite cup of ice cream – true happiness is in the little things that make life...