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Sidharth Rao departing Dentsu India to return to his entrepreneurial roots

Sidharth Rao departing Dentsu India to return to his entrepreneurial roots

Dentsu India has announced that Sidharth Rao, CEO of dentsuMB Group, will be leaving the business in December 2022. dentsuMB India will then come under the additional...


Sidharth Rao takes direct charge of dentsu Webchutney from January 2022

Dentsu Webchutney today announced that Gautam Reghunath, CEO & PG Aditiya, CCO will be leaving their positions early next year to set up their own venture. With...

DAN elevates Sidharth Rao to Chairman, Happy mcgarrybowen and Chairman, Dentsu Webchutney

DAN elevates Sidharth Rao to Chairman, Happy mcgarrybowen

Dentsu Aegis Network (DAN) India has announced the elevation of Sidharth Rao as Chairman, Happy mcgarrybowen (HMB) India and Chairman, Dentsu Webchutney. With this,...