Carpool on BlaBlaCar to travel during Delhi’s Odd-Even Formula


BlaBlaCar, the world’s largest ridesharing community, will help commuters in Delhi to carpool according to the odd-even plan. This will work in compliance of the Delhi odd-even formula and to the advantage of both car owners and co-travellers.

BlaBlaCar will help people connect with car owners who have cars with odd or even number plates respectively so one can travel every day with ease. A car owner with either an odd or even number plate can simply post repetitive rides on BlaBlaCar by picking odd or even dates on the calendar. For e.g., if the car has an odd number plate then one can offer repetitive rides on odd dates. Likewise, if a person who owns an even numbered car and wants to travel on odd dates, they can go to BlaBlaCar’s website or app to find their ride and choose a car owner who is going their way. Half of Delhi’s 2.8 million cars will go off the roads once the odd-even car formula comes into effect from January 1, 2016. This is expected to result in a drastic reduction in traffic congestion and air pollution levels in the city.

BlaBlaCar has had over 1 million seats offered on its platform in India since launch in January 2015. This translates to 55 million kilometres shared so far through carpooling on BlaBlaCar across 700+ cities in India. These figures highlight the strong uptake of ridesharing across India, owing to the lack of sufficient public transport infrastructure across many large cities as well as smaller towns. BlaBlaCar members in India rideshare for trips ranging from 1 to 10 hours. This includes people commuting from satellite cities to city centres for work.

For example, a person living in NOIDA who needs to travel to Gurgaon daily for work or someone living in Faridabad travelling to north Delhi frequently. For city-to-city travel, BlaBlaCar is very popular on Delhi-Chandigarh, Delhi-Jaipur, Mumbai-Pune, Chennai-Bangalore routes, amongst many others across the country. To know more about how people are using BlaBlaCar, click here <> to view the member stories.

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